Saturday, 4 September 2010

Kerala - days 1-2

Where: Trivandrum and Varkala
Where(less detailed): Southern India
Weather: Muggy with a bit of cloudy
Temperature: about 27*
Food: good but too easy to find pizza, Chinese, Thai and German to feel truly authentic

Locals: seem to have learned English in order to keep asking us if we want to buy things - whilst using a better vocabulary than Rhaani
Adventures/Highlights: nearly missing connecting flight from Frankfurt cos Rhaani forgot about time difference......ayurveda full body massage, in which a small moustached Indian told me to strip naked and sit on a stool while he walked behind me and boiled up some special Indian oil! I'm sure that's prison talk for something very unpleasant....catching our first Indian train - 42INR (70p) for both of us for a 1hr trip - and having 40 pairs of eyes watch as I pull out my iPhone and read an iBook - I never knew Indians were such Apple fans....
Things Lost/Stolen ha! Nothing! Well it has only been 2 days


  1. Good luck guys. Have an awesome time. Looking forward to reading your adventures :-)
    Dave / Godders

  2. What about the local bithces are they nice???

  3. I see Rhaani is wearing the 'trucker's' cap!!!

  4. Dmitry,
    we met a guy who was here with his soulmate...perhaps you could fly over and snog her while she's drunk?
