Monday 13 September 2010

Kerala Backwaters

Rhaani adds a touch of Australian class to the backwaters

Where: Keralan Backwaters and getting there
Where (less detailed): India - land of a million moustaches, seriously, it's like Brookeside and Magnum had a massively overweight lovechild.
Weather: depends what time of day you ask, pissing it down in the morning, then bright sunshine, then pissing it down then bright sunshine then...
Temperature: about 25*c

obligatory arty shot of Backwaters
Food: Still waiting to get a hot curry which hasn't been mild-ernised for delicate-palated westerners.
Locals: mean and money grabbing, smiling through clenched teeth.

comfortable in my soft-sleeper seat

view from the luggage racks (ferocious family below)
 Adventures/Highlights/Lowlights: feeling pretty good about our soft-sleeper train seats until an angry family of 10 shouted at us and we fled up into the luggage racks...Rhaani being savaged by an angry mob of mosquitos...spending an evening in our room because Rhaani was adamant they were waiting outside for her and after tasting some sweet meat were bound to have told the others...a truly peaceful day cruising the backwaters in our own private houseboat...captain of said houseboat ripping us off for our dinner of fresh massive prawns (15 sterling for a kilo compared to 5 kilo when we got off the boat)
Things lost/stolen: still nothing but I did accidently delete our entire itunes movie collection. Not looking forward to our next 40hr train journey.

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