Chichen Itza, one of the 7-wonders of the world |
WHERE: Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Palenque
return of the obligatory arty shot |
WHERE (less detailed): three ancient Mayan sites in the Yucatan (bottom, near Cancun) part of Mexico
WHEN: too close to the end to even think about
Rhaani cleans up the town |
WEATHER IS: as usual stifling, run from the sun, hot
FOOD IS: awesome, fantastic fajitas for dinner, subway sandwiches for lunch
A MEAL COSTS: buttons, £3 for a large portion of fajitas
Palenque in all its glory |
A BEER COSTS: once again 70p for a bottle of sol. Mexico definitely makes the 'Top 10 places to drink yourself to death on the cheap' list
vest, beer, Paul makes Britain proud |
PEOPLE ARE: pretty nice. A kind taxi driver stops his cab in the middle of the street to inform Paul that he has a 7 inch tear in his shorts, thus revealing his buttox to the world.... Our planned hostel was booked out and they kindly pointed us in the direction of another place. When we ran foul of a double booking the lady who ran the hostel gave us a lift to another place
there´s always someone who hogs the limelight |
HIGHLIGHTS/LOWLIGHTS: Rhaani in fits of giggles as Paul tries to hold his newly torn shorts together whilst booking us into our hotel ... pretending we were still 14 years old by drinking beers in the park, our park drinking was because Rhaani didn't want to risk death by entering any of the wild-west swing door saloons on offer ... ... Paul shows the true meaning of the word charity by handing over a bag of disgusting tortilla chips to a homeless person, for some reason he didnt feel quite so charitable with the tastier packet we devoured earlier ... yet another "Is this it? moment from resident culture-vulture Clemo as we arrive at Chichen Itza (one of the new Seven Wonders of the World)...
Palenque ruins, one of the best things is you're left to wander through the temples |
... haggling with 12-year-olds shopkeepers in Chichen Itza ... hearing a Shakira Shakira concert from our hostel room ... discovering that we missed the last bus to the ancient wonder Uxmal because we had to lick 1,000 stamps to send a 3kg parcel to Oz ...
all we saw of the ancient wonder of Uxmal of our stamp licking exploits meant we missed the last bus to the ruins |
... being far more impressed by Palenque which, though smaller and less well-known than Chichen, is far more aesthetically pleasing ... visiting the awesomely named Mr Taco and enjoying 5 Tacos for 30 pesos (£1.65) ... despite having clocked up over 10-days worth of bus travel Rhaani is unable to get comfy on our final long-ass (19-hr) bus-ride from Palenque to Puerto Escondido
UP NEXT: Puerto Escondido, home of the famed Mexican Pipeline and Pauls last chance to get some decent surf pics.
one way of coping with the heat |
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