Monday 18 July 2011


Charles in charge. At 3GBP's for lobster curry he certainly was
WHERE: CAYE (pronounced key) CAULKER
WHERE (less detailed): a tiny Caribbean island off the coast of Belize
WHEN: t-40 to t-37
okay who's next to hold a shark?
WEATHER: cloudy but then brilliant sunshine as we snorkel -with hilarious consequences.
FOOD IS: amazing!!!! Lobster heaven. After what seems like a lifetime of fried chicken, rice and beans, and some disappointing lobster selections in Panama and Roatan, we are treated to some of the best lobster on the planet - including amazing £3 curried lobster from Charles the street vendor.
with scenery this awesome why rush?
PEOPLE ARE: so relaxed they're almost horizontal. Paul's brisk walk to try and buy a second serving of curried lobster is met with cries of "cool your engines mon" from lazing locals. The next day an exhausted cyclist catches up to a walking Rhaani and tells her "why you want walk so fast? You in Belize now"
okay I appreciate the shark might have been a little scary, my apologies, moving on, who wants to hold the stingray?
A BEER COSTS: 6 Belizean Belikan beers costs £6
DINNER COSTS: £13 for the biggest fresh lobster on the island. £8 for two almighty sized lobster skewers.
for some reason the Belizean "drink responsibly" campaign just wasn't having the desired effect
HIGHLIGHTS/LOWLIGHTS: incredibly the food takes second place behind the amazing snorkeling. We swam with and stroked sharks (nurse, but still sharks) turtles and stingrays - although following the death of Stevo Irwin we were a little hesitant about petting the stingrays ... Rhaani's bikini bottoms inexplicably changed position exposing some virginal white bum cheek which subsequently turned a British shade of burnt.... Rhaani's burnt bottom means we hide away from the sun and watch a Harry Potter marathon... our love of lobster kebabs and lazy sunbaking forces us to stay another night.... Paul takes advantage of our English-speaking surroundings by getting a hair-cut - his first since India. Turns out the Belizeans must eat plenty of carrots as the hairdresser cut his hair in a dark room with the lights off.
try telling that to Steve Irwin
THINGS LOST/STOLEN: still managing to hold onto the rest of our stuff
UP NEXT: TULUM Mexico, home to some ruins that lie on the beach. More worryingly into our final country (as Paul refuses to count our 5 days in the USA as part of the trip).

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